5-Day Viva Tours of Rome: We have the best deals on Rome tours

Curious about what to see in Rome? Take a day trip from ViatorTours of Rome and discover the hidden gems of this historic city. From the Colosseum to the Vatican, you’ll see some of the most iconic spots in a half-day or 5-day tour. Book one of these fantastic tours and get up close and personal with some of the oldest structures in Europe.

Whether you only have one day in Rome or five, there are many incredible sights to explore. Check out these fantastic tours that will give you an insider’s view on everything from hidden gardens and secret passages to ancient ruins and stunning catacombs – all accessible by a knowledgeable guide who will provide you with insider tips on what to look for while exploring.

It’s hard to summarize so much history, art, and architecture in just one article. But we’ll try! Rome is a city that can be overwhelming, especially if you are planning your first trip there. Check out these 5-day Rome tours to get the most out of your visit to this fantastic city.

ViatorTour of Rome Day One: Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Ancient Rome

viator tours of rome

Start your visit to Rome at the Colosseum, the most famous and iconic of Rome’s ancient sights. Built-in 80 AD and completed in 9 AD, the Colosseum was used for gladiator fights and public spectacles such as mock sea battles and wild animal hunts. From the outside, note that the building is made of concrete (and not marble, as you might expect) and that there are three levels of arches: the ground level, the podium, and the upper wall.

The Roman Forum is another must-see, another enormous landmark from ancient Roman times. The Forum was where Romans did their business, went to court, and gathered for public events. Next, you can visit the Temple of Vesta, the Temple of Concord, the well-preserved Arch of Septimius Severus, and the Basilica Julia. Then head to the House of the Vestals and the Temple of Antoninus and Faustina. Finally, you can explore the Temple of Romulus, the Altar of the Philogogues, and the Temple of the Peace.

Tours of Rome Day Two: Vatican City Tour and Sistine Chapel

The Vatican City is the world’s smallest country and the home of the Catholic Church. The Vatican Museums are home to the Sistine Chapel, the famous ceiling painting of Michelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam.” The Vatican Gardens are also fascinating and feature many sculptures and fountains, including the famous “Statue of the Golden Man,” also known as “The Statue of the Philosopher.”

After touring the Vatican City and Museums, you may visit St. Peter’s Basilica, the world’s largest church (built between 1506 and 1626), and the Vatican Grotto, where the bodies of Popes are buried. The Scala Sancta, the “Holy Stairs,” is believed to be the stairs that Jesus walked up when he was judged in front of Pontius Pilate.

Tours of Rome Day Three: Walk Through Ancient Rome and see the Pantheon.

On your third day in Rome, walk along the streets of Ancient Rome, the “spine” of the city, and see the ruins of the Theater of Pompey, the Temple of Caesar, the Arch of Titus, the Palatine Hill, and the Forum. You can also visit Santa Maria Antiqua, the remains of a Roman Temple that was buried and forgotten for centuries. Nearby you can also see the Pantheon, the best-preserved building of the Roman Empire.

Built between 113 and 126 AD, the Pantheon is an enormous rectangular edifice where you can see the remains of the Temple of all the Gods: a fascinating and once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Tours of Rome Day Four: Naples and Pompeii Excursion

On your fourth day in Rome, you can take a day trip to Naples and a half-day excursion to the nearby city of Pompeii to see the ruins of an ancient Roman city, destroyed in 79 AD by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. 

The Naples Excursion takes you to the famous harbor where you can browse shops selling handmade Italian leather goods and see the Royal Palace, the Cathedral, the Spinnatoio (the oldest remaining silk-spinning factory in the world), and the famous “Gran Cavallo,” a large bronze sculpture of the famous Italian “king of the deserts,” Ferdousi.

Tours of Rome Day Five: Rome Food Walking Tour

Naples and Pompeii Excursion

Finally, end your visit to Rome with a Rome Food Walking Tour, led by a professional food and travel journalist, who will guide you through the most traditional and beloved products of Roman cuisine and introduce you to the city’s best food- and drink-related spots. You will also have the chance to taste a range of delicious Roman specialties, from fresh and authentic pizza baked in a wood-fired oven and topped with fresh mozzarella and various pasta types to traditional French-style coffee.

This tour is excellent for all ages and tastes and is a beautiful way to conclude your visit to Rome. At the end of your 5-day tour of Rome, you will have seen it all: the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Vatican City, the Sistine Chapel, Naples, and the ruins of the ancient city of Pompeii. You’ll also have been introduced to some of the most delicious aspects of Roman cuisine! What better way to spend five days in Italy?

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