Helicopter Tours to Hawaii’s Volcano: The Ultimate Experience

Helicopter Tours to Hawaii’s Volcano: The Ultimate Experience

The Hawaiian Islands are home to some of the most amazing natural wonders in the world. There is always something new to see, from its breathtaking beaches to the magnificent volcanoes. While you can travel around the islands on a cruise ship, flying over all of Hawaii by helicopter is also possible. If you’re looking for a unique experience with an unforgettable view, then this article is for you.

The helicopter tours offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get up close and personal with nature and take in the many sights that Hawaii has to offer. Although it may be one of the more expensive ways of seeing Hawaii, if you’re looking for an adventure that will make your trip to paradise even more memorable than ever before, then give these helicopter tours a try!

How Helicopter Tours Work

While helicopter tours are a popular way of seeing many parts of the Hawaiian Islands, it’s important to note that the flights are not cheap. They come with hefty price tags, but the views from the sky make them well worth the cost.

The flight usually lasts 30-40 minutes and travels from one spot to another, giving you a bird’s eye view of Hawaii. Depending on where you want to go, you can do this slower or faster. If you’re going to see more land than water, then it may be best for you to take these flights at a slower speed. The faster your speed, the more views you will see in a shorter time. However, if you want to see just the beautiful water and beaches of Hawaii, choose your speed accordingly.

When flying over Hawaii by helicopter tour, there are two types of tours: scenic and aerial adventure tours. The scenic tours fly slowly across the islands while giving passengers an overview of what is happening at each stop as they pass by.

In contrast, aerial adventure tours give tourists a fantastic experience unlike anything else as pilots guide their way through volcanic craters and breathtaking landscapes in a series of loops and turns that will make your stomach drop (literally). This is not for everyone as it does require some experience with helicopters and piloting before getting on board.

Why You Should Try a Helicopter Tour

If you want to see the Hawaiian Islands from an aerial view, then a helicopter tour is definitely the way to go. This experience has so many benefits that it would be nearly impossible to list them all here. But what you should know is that by choosing a helicopter tour, you will get up close and personal with nature without getting your feet wet. With Hawaii being home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, it’s also possible for these tours to take you over these beaches and give you an amazing view of what they look like from above. Additionally, if you’re looking for a unique experience where you can spend time with your family or friends, these tours are perfect for those who don’t care about spending hours walking on a beach or going on an excursion on land.

The ultimate experience awaits!

Compare the Benefits of Flying Over Hawaii by Helicopter

One of the best benefits of taking a helicopter tour is the ability to see Hawaii from a whole new perspective. The helicopter tours offer you a chance to see sites that would be difficult or impossible to get to by foot, like waterfalls and volcanoes. With these tours, you’ll also get a great view of Honolulu’s beautiful oceanfront as well as the beaches. Another great benefit of flying over Hawaii is that it allows you to see everything at once, while on a ground level, most people would have to walk through several different sites to make it from point A to point B. Finally, with these tours, you can get up close and personal with nature without having to worry about getting too close. It’s easy for the helicopter pilot to take your photo or video for Instagram without disturbing your time in paradise.

What to Expect on Your Helicopter Tour of Hawaii’s Volcano

If you’re looking for a helicopter tour of Hawaii’s volcano, then there are several things that you should know. First, the flight takes approximately one hour with a small amount of turbulence. You will be flying over the North and South Rift Valleys, Mount Kilauea, and down the East Rift Valley. You will see the three most active volcanoes in Hawaii up close. This is definitely an experience that you won’t forget!

On your helicopter tour of Hawaii’s volcano, you have the option to choose between two different tours:

– The Summit Tour: This is a moderate-level tour that offers visitors a chance to get up close and personal with the volcanic activity on this historic land at approximately 4,000 feet above sea level. To make it even more exciting, you’ll also get to see beautiful views of Halemaumau Crater – where lava has been flowing for centuries – and lava tubes from below.

– The Lava Tour: This is an easy level tour that offers visitors an opportunity to fly lower than any other helicopter in Hawaii at around 2,500 feet above sea level and take in spectacular views from over 5 miles away from Halemaumau Crater. On this tour, you won’t find yourself getting too close to lava flows or lava tubes, but you will see plenty of other amazing sights such as Mount Kilauea Caldera , Puu Oo

The Final Word.

If you’re looking for a unique way to explore the Hawaiian Islands and experience paradise, then helicopter tours are perfect for you. For those who want to get up close and personal with nature, these tours offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They also provide a fantastic view of the stunning Hawaiian coastline and volcanoes.

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