Viva Tours Honolulu’s Top 5 Attractions

VIATORTOUR Honolulu’s Top Attractions, Have you ever wanted to explore Honolulu but didn’t have time?
We list the top attractions you can visit in just a few days. So whether you’re on vacation or here for business, you’ll be able to see everything the city has to offer.
Check out this list and see what you can do in just a few days!
Click here to learn more about the best things to do in Honolulu in 3 days!

Honolulu is home to some of the most beautiful and pristine beaches. Sitting in the middle of the Pacific, this small island offers visitors a variety of activities, from hiking and golfing to exploring museums and landmarks. We have some excellent news if you’re planning on visiting Honolulu for business or pleasure! You don’t need an entire week or more to explore all that this area has to offer. If you can only spare a few days, check out this list of top attractions with Viatortour.

TOURS Honolulu: Waikiki Beach and Honolulu Zoo

Visiting a beach is a great way to start your trip. After all, beaches are the source of inspiration for many artists and writers worldwide. You can’t go wrong with visiting Waikiki Beach. It’s the most popular beach in the state, so it has a few shops and restaurants along its shoreline. While it’s a beautiful sight, there’s more to this beach than just the sand and water. It’s also home to a full-scale Honolulu Zoo. This zoo is home to some of the rarest and most exotic animals. The zoo is divided into themed areas, including Hawaiian birds, marine life, and a reptile house.

VIATORTOURS Honolulu: Diamond Head

Diamond Head is a volcanic crater located in Waikiki. It’s a popular hiking trail that many people visit each day. You can hike up to the top of the crater for a breathtaking view of the entire city. Diamond Head is also home to some rare and endangered species. The Diamond Head crater is one of the most popular things to do in Honolulu. Once you’re done hiking, there are plenty of restaurants where you can grab some snacks and beverages. If the timing works out, you may even be able to catch a beautiful sunset from atop Diamond Head.

VIATORTOUR Honolulu: Waimea Falls Hiking Tour with

While Diamond Head is a great hike, sometimes it’s nice to experience something different. If you’re more into waterfalls and lush tropical forests, visiting Waimea Falls might be right up your alley. This hike takes you to a secluded and tranquil jungle with a beautiful cascade at the end. The entire trail is only about a quarter of a mile, so it’s ideal for people with limited mobility. Young children can quickly do it. If you want to feel like you’re on another planet, this is the place to do it. A visit to the Waimea Falls is one of the best things to do in Honolulu.

VIATORTOUR Honolulu: Haleakala Sunrise Tour

Haleakala Sunrise

If you love to wake up early, we recommend taking a sunrise tour of Haleakala. This giant and dormant volcano is located on the island’s east side. While climbing to the top is difficult, it’s worth it. Once you reach the top, you’ll be greeted with a spectacular view of the entire island. You can even see the sun rising over the horizon, giving you a rare chance to see both the sun and moon at once. This is an excellent tour if you have a few days to spare.

VIATORTOUR Honolulu: Pearl Harbor & USS Arizona Memorial

While many people come to Honolulu for the beaches and weather, some come to pay their respects to fallen heroes and veterans. If that sounds like you, we recommend visiting Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial. This is where people come to pay respects and remember those who lost their lives. It’s one of the most popular things to do in Honolulu and a great place to learn a little more about Second World War history. If you have the time, we recommend taking a tour of the USS Missouri. It’s the final battleship in the war and is currently in Hawaii.

VIATORTOUR Honolulu: So, what’s next?

There are plenty of things to do in Honolulu, and this list barely scratches the surface. We recommend exploring the National Parks if you have a few more days. There are several parks in the area, including Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head. 

You can visit the USS Arizona Memorial and the USS Missouri Battleship. If you have a few more days, we recommend taking a helicopter tour of the island. It provides an excellent view of all the beautiful landmarks that make this place unique.

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